We are back to yoga business tomorrow…6th January. It’s amazing how out of practice you can get after 2 weeks of celebrating! At the deepest time of the season, when there is no urgency to rise in the morning, it’s easy to luxuriate beneath the sheets for an extra hour or 2. Our routine set aside, we often sleep, eat and drink more than usual, which is enjoyable and how it should be when we celebrate Christmas with family and friends. But now is the time when we want to detox, get fit and focus on our bodies and health once again. It’s wonderful to have a fresh new year ahead, it can feel like starting over! We have lots of great Yoga and Pilates classes over the next few months so keep an eye on the Classes and Workshop pages for updates…also you could “like” our Facebook page http://www.facebook.com/stroudyogaspace… Happy New Year!