Yoga for Every Body – starts 11th January

The clues are in the name – this yoga class really is for every body.

This is the perfect course for you if –
You’re looking for the perfect mid-week pick-me-up, or the ideal mid-week calm-me-down if that’s what you need…the practice will give you whatever you’re looking for.
You want to press the ‘pause’ button and put YOURSELF first (actually a totally sensible thing to do and not selfish at all).
You’ve done a bit of yoga in the past and want to get back on the mat after a break.
You’re looking to start yoga, and want to dive in at just the right level of challenge….without it being intimidating and terrifying.

We run the classes in blocks of ten weeks. Each ten week block has a theme running through it meaning you get a bit of a deeper-dive into a topic.

At the same time you get a really good all-round practice meaning you leave the studio feeling a little closer to the amazing version of yourself you really are.

In every 60 minute class we’ll find just the right balance between doing stuff that’s good for the body, and stuff that’s good for the brain. So we’ll start with some mindfulness (that even the most fidgety sceptic can get on board with…), followed by breathing and bending, before finishing class with a lovely little lie-down (or ‘savasana’ if you want to be all yogic about it…).

Price: £100 for course of 10 lessons. Drop-in spaces sometimes available. Please check Real Life Yoga website for details.