When we have sunny days it reminds us that we are moving forward towards Spring, and thank goodness! At Stroud Yoga Space the environment is always warm and dry, so do come and treat yourself to a relaxing and nurturing session.
As well as yoga classes we have a variety of different things to offer…
Luncntime Meditation classes begin next week at 1.30pm on Fridays with Emma Galton-Fenzi, a great way to de-stress and bring some inner calm to your day.
The Feldenkrais Method is being taught by Iraina Clarke on Fridays at 11am.
A new Pilates class with Anette Holtmeyer-Cole begins on Thursday 27th February at 11.30am.
Somatic Movement classes with Mari Winkelman on Friday afternoons at 5pm and 6.15pm and also with Sally Ridgway on Thursday evenings 7.30pm.
Skeena Rathor holds mother and baby Pilates on Tuesday mornings at 9.45am, she also teaches Pilates Spirit on Thursdays 6-7pm.